Thursday, December 27, 2007


今天真的去了Cheras,可是没有去到Sri Petaling因为那个印尼妹不得空.这趟路真是有惊无险喔!
我去到Salak South,要到那个要收Cheque的地方很容易,可是回的时候出现了问题.一到路口,Signboard既然没有指导去Petaling Jaya的路.吓的我不知所措,不懂要走那条路,所以就选了走Ipoh,Klang Highway 也不懂怎样就走到Federal Highway.真是吓死我了!!!!!
还好昨天要睡觉前硬着头皮的问了去Salak south的路,不然也不回容易的到达目的地,虽然回的时候出了点小问题,不过总算平安的到公司.
回到公司,Christine看我没东西做拿了个SDN BHD 的 acount 给我,要我 audit 希望这个会跟上次一样简单,容易做!
原来一个人没有还Income tax 是不可以出国的!有些老板是好看不好用的,口袋里空辽辽的.
所以说不是每个SDN BHD 的老板是有钱的,每年还Income Tax的!!!!!


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Chritmas eve

Finally i manged to get the christmas eve pic from Jo-n
There is a lot of fun when seeing the pic!!!

Pey yi,melody, sze wan, me and jo-n


可是今天终于做完了那个做来做去都做不完的 acount. 花了我两个星期的时间才把它audit完!
现在才知道原来acount 也不是容易读的!!!!!
昨天,去Sunway 的 TGI Friday庆祝我的好朋友Li Jing & Lib Ken 的生日.
很不巧喔,在等待着我们的晚餐到来时,突然停电了,大概有十分钟吧!这还是我第一次在商场上遇见听电.第一次在商场停电就奉献给Sunway pyramid咯!!!!
明天要去Cheras收一张,cheque然后有要到Sri Petaling载一个印尼妹去公司.原本是想那哪个地图出来问我爸的.可是才讲要去Cheras罢了就被他们讲害的我问都不敢在问了!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

today is the christmas day!!!
but very relax can just stay at home dont need to go work!
can play computer,chat with friend,have a break!
this is what life is about, dont keep on moving, must rest in the suitable time to recharge ourselves!
Although is the christmas day, but also the rainny day.
think of yesterday when i was come back from work, there is traffic jam here and there!!
rainny day make the road become wet and flood.hard to move!haiz
make me have to take extra half an hour to reach home!!!trafiic jam wo!!!!!
but after that went to my friend, nicholas's christmas party!!
it is nice, there is a lot of friend there!suddenly feel that just like a gathering for u6sian people!
However tonight i will go and meet another gang of friends from PU de oh!
long time didnt meet them already, especially serena oh!she just come back from us!
very miss her and the gang of people!
Miss all of my friends whether from PU or CHS de!!!

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